Friday, June 27, 2008

Let Us Pray

Awakening this morning to the new Killer B's: Bush, Breach, and Burke. It may not be the end of the world, but pessimism and change are in the air. Anheuser Bush may succumb to InBev. The Pin Oak Levy has been breached and Winfield is inundated. Archbishop Burke, the archnemesis of Catholics who think beyond legalism, is off to the Vatican. So many bishops, so few thinking men--who will be next to lead us back to pre-Vatican II? OOPS, my pessimism is showing. Maybe the gene pool of choices holds another mutation like Gregory. I must pray and be hopeful.


Bridgett said...

Rocco has a different point of view. I mean, he sees it without being here in stl, but he mentions the "Communion Wars" and how this move takes Burke out of the fray before the election...

CherylB said...

Then the decision is still political, still self-serving for some member or portion of the hierarchy. I recognize the lens through which I view that hierarchy. I wonder what they collectively think of the likes of us.