Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Against the Darkness

What happens when you write a blog that almost nobody reads? I have a blogger daughter who faithfully peruses my copy, and occasionally she will send her readers my way. She has made some wonderful connections via her blog, but alas I am a lone voice in a cyberspace wilderness. Is it my attitude? Could it be my personality creeping into the lines of prose? I have chosen not to lose sleep over this puzzle. I will instead read a few fellow posters and continue to rail against the darkness.


Bridgett said...

No--what it is, actually, is finding other people you like reading and COMMENTING on their blogs. It helps if you have some kind of hook, too--the folks who read my 365s and Alphabridge are not the same as my South City readers. Some have never crossed over ever. But how they came to read me was by going there and reading them. I leave a comment or 3 on Ann's blog, and then a couple of her readers drift over to mine...I leave a comment on Indigo Bunting's often enough and it opens a whole group of people to my blog. It's all a big semantic web.

Bridgett said...

And sometimes I comment and comment and comment on a blog and there's never anyone who says anything back--and I eventually drift away for the most part.

Burton Chapman said...

Hey, I would have commented on your blog had I known you had one. I was going to e-mail you, but hadn't heard from you in so long I thought I should skim Bridgett's blog to make sure there wasn't any family tragedy I didn't know about that would cause that. Didn't see any anything horrific happening in there, but did see about your blog. I was going to tell you about Mt. Carmel closing. They finished this past school year, but it was pretty suddenly announced in May. I just got to thinking that Mt. Carmel closing wouldn't make front page news in St. Louis. Will check in on your blog from time to time and post comments like crazy.

Bridgett said...

Hey Burton. We're all alive and well here. How are you?