Sunday, June 1, 2008


Father Cavanaugh was the homilist today. We get published authors, music writers, and all kinds of learned, sometimes famous Jesuits telling us what's on their minds. Today was about building on stone versus sand. Father introduced the homily by saying he had been thinking about this for a long time and he might not make sense. It would be stream of consciousness. I understood him perfectly. We were in sync, even with the slight overlay of fear that he would go somewhere political Terry would not want to go. It was a little like closing my eyes and and swaying while humming the tune to a familiar song. Later in the day I tried to share the thoughts, if not the feeling, with Terry, but I fell flat. The tune was just beyond my reach, so I stopped trying to hum lest I lose it all together. Maybe I will be able to sing it later after it bumps around in my head a while longer.

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