Thursday, January 8, 2009

Memories and Showers

I just commented on my eldest daughter's blog. There had been a reference to being a hippie, and I was reminded of a complaint I have. Today, when a ratty haired, jeans wearing, smelly, young person walks down the street, besides jaywalking to avoid the specimen, many people classify him or her as a hippie. Just when did that become the categorization of "I'm too lazy to shower or comb my hair"? When I was young (yeesh, I am my parents), going braless, growing hair long, and sporting badly patched jeans all went with a political, or possibly an apolitical, world view. And even when we stayed the night in some old trailer with a bunch of ski patrol members, everybody showered. Hippie had a lot to do with freedom, but not necessarily freedom from personal hygiene. I still have beads, for god's sake. I refuse to let current day, so called hippies defile my memories. So there.

1 comment:

Gin and Tonic said...

People, especially my generation, don't understand the 60's. They idealize the hippie persona and think by acting like one they too are breaking social norms. (and too often dirty has been associated with hippie because Woodstock/ San Fransisco meant- people getting muddy and having sex. that's all they see.) These kids also don't understand that the 60s were more than taking drugs and having sex, that no one took down the government by doing either and that things were just fucking different. (however, i wish there was a movement against the Irag war like there was for Vietnam, maybe give it another 5 years... or we can see what happens with Isreal and the Gaza Strip)