Sunday, July 22, 2007


Every once in a while, I will hear a word used and realize some connection anew. That may not exactly be the way to describe the experience. The connection was always there, but I was unaware. Today, during a sermon at College Church, Father Fleming, who happens to remind me of my dad but that is for another blog, said that we have to be found, that we have to have a foundation. Isn't it correct to say an organizaton was founded by someone? If there were a venn diagram or some kind of set theory of words that fit together, it would not be much of a leap to place foundation in that same set. But "found" often connotes the result of a different kind of effort. "I found my watch." or "He found his uncle in the census of 1900." even "She found herself." As the past tense of find, "found" never fit comfortably into the word set containing foundation, until today. Now that I am trying to put this on paper, so to speak (What would Derrida have to say about that phrase and preceeding clause?), I feel clumsy. What made sense at 11 a.m, this morning has become foggy. But I will attempt my mental acrobatics anyway: when I have a foundation to my life, that means that I found (did find) something. By finding my center, a beginning, the course to follow, I laid a foundation. I then choose to build on what I find. Maybe others' "finding" me builds on that foundation as well. God finds each of us, no matter where we are or what we do. Then we find ourselves and each other? Now I am getting tired of my own rambling.

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