Monday, August 20, 2012


pol-i-tics (noun) [póllәtiks]

1. Activities associated with government

the theory and practice of government, especially the activities associated with governing, with obtaining legislative or executive power, or with forming and running organizations connected with government

(takes a singular verb)

Encarta Dictionary from Microsoft Word 2010

Does that mean that the correct use of the word in this context would be "Politics sucks?"  Sounds wrong but yet so right on so many levels.
I am tired of trying to find kind and gentle ways to explain my stance when it does not align with friends.  They make comments or post on Facebook and I feel like I need to defend what I believe.  However, 1) I wonder if anything registers after I say I disagree, and 2) Does anyone really care?  I scour the internet for articles that may support my views.  Sometimes I have to reassess previous conclusions as I find information that is new to me.  But I try to be knowledgeable. I try not to step on the toes of people with whom I may disagree.  I sound pathetic.  Maybe I should just take forums like Facebook and TV news for what they are: unintentional or even purposeful expressions meant to boil important beliefs down to sound bites or talking points.
To hell with all of it.

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