I emailed my daughter Bridgett (far left with Bevin) that I have begun a blog and she replied that if I keep it up for a while, she would link to my blog froms hers. That's just what I fear: the obligatory diary, the dishes that must be washed, the plants that must be watered. How different then is the monitor from the TV screen? Am I replacing one kind of mindlessness with another? Now I have mixed my metaphors. Is it a chore or is it a mindless passtime? hmmm. I would tell my students that writing is never a waste of time, and this particular experience is anything but mindless. Actually, the more I write, the more I have to consider.
1 comment:
So write small. Don't do more than a paragraph or so, a couple times a week. Surely there is time at your annoying job. Perhaps Cathi could help?
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